Ghostfish Brewing Company Logo

It’s been a long wait…

…but finally we can say “It’s really happening!”  That’s right, beer fans, Ghostfish Brewing Company is now fully-funded and ready to start putting our backs into it!

Things have been quiet on, and perhaps some of you were wondering if we’d slipped back into murky depths from which we came.  Nothing could have been further from the truth!  We have been diligently fundraising all this time, and are proud to welcome the newest member of the Ghostfish team: Wayne Moore, long-time family friend of founder Brian Thiel, and an intrepid spirit who recognized the vision behind our endeavor and wanted to share and support it.

We also spent a good amount of time sharpening our business plan against the whetstones of a variety of banks large and small, seeking the elusive quarry known as the SBA loan.  Like many breweries before us, we ultimately concluded that the SBA was just not the right fit for us, and decided “what the heck, we’re in this to win it, let’s just go ahead and bet the farm on it and do it with our own dollars!”

…And so it begins!  The time for gathering and preparation is finished, and we now begin the arduous journey of permitting, design, construction, permitting, installation, R&D, permitting, inspections, outreach, and did I mention permitting?  But rest assured, now that our funds are in place, we are all working full steam ahead to get our beer in cans and into your thirsty hands as soon as humanly (and legally) possible.